Rapid does more

As mentioned in the recently introduced Mission Statement, SK Rapid Vienna seeks to take an active role in the community; and in particular sees supporting people in social difficulties are part of its innate responsibility. The club has been involved in the community for years now, and in the future its varied social engagement is set to continue.

The Rapid Fun Run: helping good causes

In 2012 in answer to the requirement to perform an active role in the social wellbeing of the community, the Rapid Fun Run was inaugurated. The Fun Run raises money for local initiatives aimed at improving the lives of the socially disadvantaged. Recently a run took place with proceeds going to the “Heartbeat Foundation”, whilst previous beneficiaries have included the St. Anna Children’s Cancer Research facility; the initiative “No to poor and ill” and the foundation “Children Dream”. In addition to raising public donations, Rapid’s involvement with these initiatives also brings their efforts and issues into the public domain, in this case a Green & White public domain, thus increasing awareness of the ongoing work. 

Get to know the Austria’s most successful club

In addition to raising money for charity, SK Rapid also looks to offer people who have had to battle with more than their fair share of bad luck in their lives, the chance to visit the stadium to see the club play. In partnership with the refugee workers of Diakone we have been able to extend a warm Green & White welcome to families of refugees; we have also had the pleasure of welcoming young guys and girls from the SOS Children’s Villages to our games. In the coming autumn the Club will also be inviting people using the facilities at homeless shelters around the city to come and watch a game. Clients of Addiction Help Vienna also add to the numbers of guests we’ve welcomed to games in the recent past.

From prevention work to inner city football tours

For years Rapid has been involved with groups carrying out preventative work, helping youngsters and children to avoid the perils of alcohol abuse. The Club therefore is delighted to be able to sponsor the project “Vollfan statt Vollfett”. Through the “Käfig-Tour” (literally: cage tours, referring to the urban football pitches in the city), which started in early 2015, Rapid players and scouts go out into the districts to visit young Viennese, often youngsters with migrant backgrounds, and try to get them interested in the club. The visit ends with an invitation to come and witness the next home game live!